So even though my life has been crazy out of control, I finished my first Half Marathon this Sunday!!! It was not a skip in the park, but it was in Central Park :) I have to admit it was a weird run. The first 3 miles where not so fun, but then I felt OK from mile 4 to 10. It was weird, but I felt better during those miles than the beginning. After 10 though it was rough! I was at a good 9 1/2 minute mile pace through most of the race then dropped significantly the last three miles. I was tired. The hills of Central Park make it very hard to settle into a pace. I finished in 2 hours and 12 minutes (about 10:08) pace. Not bad!
I am so proud of myself, but I must say I didn't train very well the last couple of weeks. After my friends wedding, I kind of fell off the workout wagon. Not a good idea when a 13 mile race is coming up. I will NOT be falling off any wagon when I train for the marathon in November. There is no way that I could.
I weighed in today. I GAINED 2lbs! Can you believe that! I gained it on Sunday too! I think after I ran I just gave myself a massive pass for the day. Big mistake, filled with carrot cake, french toast, eggs and so much more bad stuff :( I also got my "friend" this week. I'm hoping that next week will be a promising one. I joined an online goal on WW to lose 20lbs by 4th of July. I'm hoping to lost at least 10. 20lbs will put me at my goal weight so if I do that, it will be AWESOME, but so far it has been slow and steady.
This weekend I also spend time on my sisters boat (she lives on a houseboat her husband made from hand). It was really fun and we got some great weather so we walked the reservoir when B and her husband fished. We are probably polar opposites, but the bond we have is really special somehow. Then we went to B's co worker's wedding. It was really beautiful, but late! I didn't get home until 2am (I was dd since I had the race the next am). Sunday, up and Adam to run, then brunch at B's rents and visiting my friends baby! See I wasn't kidding when I said I was flipping busy!
I'll be on later this week :)
Peace and love, peace and love!