
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weekend Recap and a rainy run

This weekend was everything I imagined it was going to be minus taking bunch of pictures!  Man I am so bad with pictures!  My girlfriend did take a lot of photos of our apple picking but I haven't gotten them yet.  Booo!

Saturday the alarm went off at 5am and I went right back to bed ha!  Now that it is getting cooler I thought I would just let it ride weather wise.  At 6am the alarm went off again and I got up this time!  Took C for a small walk (20min) then put my belt on and off I went.  It was long as hell!  I ran from the very beginning of Hoboken to Trader Joe's in Edgewater.  If anyone reads this that lives nearby they will know how flipping far it is...when you drive!  The weather stayed nice, the run was actually so beautiful.  I am only on a main road without any views for about a mile or two cumulatively.  Not too shabby.  The rest is on the beautiful waterfront paths.  I felt OK but this is the first run that towards the end I started feeling leg pangs.  My ankle was sore, my knees were achy.  Around mile 17 I got inside my head and started getting worked up thinking about having to do another 8miles after finishing 18.  Well, thankfully that is for another day and right now I'm focusing on one run at a time!  Overall my pains where ok after a couple of hours and my soreness was minimum after the first day.

I showered, chilled for a bit then we were off apple picking.  We got a ton of nice apples but I think we were between seasons because there were loads of trees sectioned off as "not ripe yet" and the trees that were ok were pretty skimpy.  You had to really look.  They also had pick your own cherry tomatoes.  Holy mother of god these tomatoes were so yummy and so cheap!  I literally was picking, wiping on my shirt and popping them in my mouth!  To die for.  It was really nice trip but my legs where exhausted and I ready for bed.

Saturday night B and I went to check out the BBQ festival in Jersey City, we got there around 6pm (they close at 8pm) and pretty much everything was out.  What are ya going to do.  Instead we headed over to the Taquaria in JC and chowed down on some authentic Mexican.  This place is killer and super affordable.  I definitely recommend trying it.  Afterward, we got some ice cream and headed home.  I fell asleep around 8:30pm.  Insanely lame but necessary.  I was so dead tired I slept through the fire alarm that went off in the middle of the night.  Yeah, I was that tired!

Sunday was another fun day.  B and I took Clyde on a massive walk around Hoboken, my legs where nice and rested and feeling great so it was a beautiful walk and Clyde was pooped after it.  We made Chili, cornbread and apple crisp with the apples we picked and had some friends over to watch football.  The day was so fun, except for the minor fact that the Jets stunk it up, I did booze it up and that probably didn't help my weight loss cause but hey what are you going to do.  We did have a furry visitor for a couple of hours though.  This pup and Clyde are old time buddies!  Look how little he is (sorry for blurry)!

Monday came and went.  I didn't run, I didn't really do much but work.

This a.m. I was up at 6:10am and hit the pavement.  Five miles in the ran looks like above photo.  What cotton definitely was not my best choice!  Oh well.  I am going to do my weekly mileage on different days this week because I signed up for the 18miler tune up race in NYC and it is on a Sunday.  I know I did 18miles last week, but this is a whole other ball game.  Running Central Park 3 times should be considered torture.  The hills make me cringe.  I did a 1/2 Marathon which was two loops around and I hated it so I am sure I will despise doing it 3 times around.  Even though I will curse each hill, I know that this tune up is essential for training.  If I can do 18 hilly miles I think I will be able to push myself through the 26.  That is a big IF huh?

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