
Wednesday, July 24, 2013


This morning was a beautiful morning!  There was a nice breeze through my whole run.  Unfortunately, I had all my shorter running pants/shorts in the wash so I had to wear my long black running!  Anyway, it wasn't all that bad.  I took a different route this morning.  I hit a big long climbing hill up around 1.5 miles then looped back around and did the stairs up from the bottom to the top of that hill on the way back.  Overall, felt pretty amazing!  I have been using my anti-friction rub which avoids blisters on my feet and even though I need new shoes I haven't had sore feet that much.
It will save your skin from a ton of pain, do yourself a favor and purchase S.T.A.T.!

I took a look at my "achievements" on micoach so far training this year and it makes me happy!  So far I have run:

10:05:22 hours
62.54 miles
8,120 calories burned

Not too shabby if I may say so myself and training has just begun! 

After my run this am, I took Clyde to the dog park and heard two people talking about their training.  It got me excited and I wanted to join in on the discussion, but I chickened out!  Although I have run many races and trained for the marathon last year, I still don't really think I'm qualified to join in with "real runners" you know, people who pace at 8 minutes or faster!  I don't know if I will ever be able to hang in that club, but it was cool to hear them talk about their training schedule.  Even though I run at a 9.5 or 10 minute mile pace, we are doing about the same mileage each week, which totally made me feel legit!

Tomorrow a super quick run, probably 2.5 miles or less.  I have to switch around my long run this weekend and do it early Friday morning (9 miles) and I don't want to push it the day before.

Good news alert!  My "skinny" work pants are starting to feel loose in my upper thigh area!  I haven't been weighing myself really, but my food choices have been pretty great for the most part.  I think some of that has to do with not weighing myself.  See if I see a loss, I usually give myself a "fat" day to gain some back, yeah that doesn't work.

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